The Importance of Accessories in Senior Sessions
Let’s talk about the
Importance of Accessories
in Senior Sessions.
Adding accessories to an outfit for a Senior Session can make the difference between a good photo and a refined photo. Simple things like a hat, chain, or sunglasses add just that finishing detail to images. In addition, accessories give the Senior’s hands something to do. All of DJH’s Senior Sessions come with wardrobe and styling consultation to provide information on how to get the most of your Senior Session!
A simple hat gives her hand something to do.
Chains give a bit of a flair and style to a casual outfit.
Sunglasses are always stylish and give options for posing.
Sunglasses also allow me to shoot in direct sunlight for an edgy look.
Men’s watches (or bracelets) always add a finishing detail of style to an image.
Again, a watch adds that bit of sophistication.
A hat and a long necklace provide for a casual chic look, and gives the hands something to do in posing.
Hats on guys, a cool belt and boots are always in style.