December 8, 2017
Two days ago, as I pulled out of my driveway, I thought I saw a flash of white on a large bird disappearing into the trees by the river.
I drove into town today and as I crossed the bridge, I thought I saw a Turkey Vulture on the partially frozen river. Disappointed it wasn't a Bald Eagle, I still whipped an U-turn, hit my hazard lights, grabbed my camera and fired off some shots. Through the zoom lens I realized it was in fact a Baldy!
I loaded the images up to edit them, and imagine my surprise to realize that there were in fact TWO of them in the image! Zooming in 400%, I can see the distant eagle is eating something... a hunk of meat with an exposed bone. The front one stands guard.
Today was a fabulous day to be intentfully watchful, with a camera ready!