







You have made it!  This chapter of your life deserves to be documented! At Diane J Hochhalter Studio, my goal is to help you tell the story of your High School Experience!  All Seniors will receive a pre-consultation because I want to get to know YOU.  I will also answer any questions you have and make suggestions of locations or types of photos we can create.  




Different Seniors, and Different Parents have Different Needs. DJH Studio has created the following collections to meet your needs!

The Double Take

For the Senior that wants to have the ultimate experience,  Full hair and makeup for your session will be provided by the amazing

Shilo Jewett of Classic Cuts.  This is also for the parent who does not want that race against the clock in the month before graduation!

Half Day Session,

Full hair and makeup professionally done

5+ clothing changes

$150 print credit

150 Grad Announcements

Online Viewing Gallery

All Digital edited images

10x10 page 20 page hardcover book

Voucher for professional headshot image in next 4-5/years.



The Gatsby

For the Senior who has 4 years of swag to show!  We will do indoor shots and outdoor shots that tell the story of your accomplishments!  Bring the uniforms and awards for this one!

2 hour session

4-5 clothing changes

1 8x10, 2 5x7's

Online Viewing Gallery

100 Grad Announcements

8x8 20 page/10 spread softcover Book

Digital release of any images used in print



The Straight Forward

For the No-Fuss Senior who just wants to get 'er done.  Session will include a few indoor shots, and a few outdoor shots.

45 minute session

2 clothing changes

1 8x10, 2-5x7's

One Digital Image Release to School

Online Viewing Gallery




Add Ons

HiLiner Action Shots- $100

This is limited to 10 Valley City HiLiners! If you want part of your senior experience to show you "In Action" this add on is FOR YOU!  I will catch you on the football field, or singing in Cafe Concert and those images will be part of your book and gallery!

Hair and makeup- $100

You don't need all that is offered in the Double Take, but would like to feel glammed up! Shilo will make you look and feel amazing!